RED: The Base Chakra
The BASE chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the following organs: the kidneys and bladder. (Before birth, the kidneys form within the pelvis and link with the energy of the base chakra, later ascending to their more familiar position higher in the body.) This chakra is also related to the vertebral column, hips, and legs. The adrenal gland is the endocrine gland associated with the Color red.
On a psycho-spiritual level, the base chakra is linked to self-awareness. It involves our understanding of ourselves as human beings and our place on Earth. This chakra is the center of survival and is associated with our fundamental human instincts of fight or flight. Red instills courage and strength and relates to feelings of stability and security.
Associated problems
Some problems associated with the base chakra are:- constipation, diarrhea, piles, colitis, Crohn's disease, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension , (high blood pressure), kidney stones, impotence, problems with hips, legs and feet.
RED stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure , excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good color to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a color for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun.