Each of the seven spectrum colors, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, resonates with the energy of the seven main chakras or energy centers in the body. Imagine these chakras as cogs or wheels, much like the inner workings of a clock or engine. Just as every cog needs to move smoothly for the clock or engine to function correctly, good health and well-being depend on the balance of these energies. Maintaining the energy balance in each of the body's chakras is essential for overall health and vitality. Color therapy can play a role in re-balancing and stimulating these energies by applying the appropriate color to the body, thereby harmonizing our chakras.
Red is associated with the base chakra, orange with the sacral chakra, yellow with the solar plexus chakra, green with the heart chakra, blue with the throat chakra, indigo with the brow chakra (sometimes referred to as the third eye), and violet is related to the crown chakra.
Color is absorbed through the eyes, skin, the skull, our magnetic energy field, or aura. Color energy has a profound impact on all levels of our being: physical, spiritual, and emotional. Every cell in the body requires light energy, so the influence of color energy extends throughout the entire body. Various methods are employed to apply color, including solarized water, light boxes or lamps with color filters, color silks, and hands-on healing using color.