Dr. Anil Vij is a practicing physician with 35 yrs. of experience in the field of medicine. He is a well known clinician with a practice based in Delhi. It was as a physician that he realized his own limitations when dealing with the enormous volume of medical literature on prescribing treatment to patients. This led him to develop software that could act as a clinician’s true companion, aiding the clinician in writing a safe, fool-proof and first-rate presecription. Eight years of hard work saw his long cherished dream come to fruition in the form of PRESCRIPTION PAD, a state-of-the-art prescription writing software which contains everything a clinician might need in order to give his/her patients the very best of health-care.
In Dr. Vij’s words, “Prescription writing is not merely putting down a few
drug names on a piece of paper. It is an art mastered only after years of experience and hard work backed by sound knowledge of the basic subject.” World over, there is stress on evidence-based medicine, best described as the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current evidence in decision-making.
Professional organizations & government agencies, as part of their endeavour to aid physicians & other care givers, are developing formal clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines can provide a useful framework for managing patients with particular diagnosis or symptoms. The challenge for physicians is to intelligently integrate into clinical practice the useful recommendations, and not to accept them blindly or allow oneself to be inappropriately constrained by them.
Inspired by the success of the prescription writing software, Dr. Vij has now embarked upon other projects to help society and health care providers with the following objectives in mind:
• To help create a society in which people enjoy healthy and comfortable lives
• To provide world class software solutions to service providers in health care for efficient management at affordable cost by adapting latest tools in technology
• To develop high quality products that support positive lifestyle changes and health improvement, eliminating as far as possible any human errors in the drug delivery system
There are thousands of possible
drug interactions in the Allopathic system of medicine, and then there is the question of drug safety in certain situations when dealing with children or the elderly, or in the case of
pregnancy, lactation, hepatic insufficiency, renal insufficiency,
pulmonary insufficiency etc. It is humanly impossible for a doctor to remember all these things for thousands of drugs over and above information about thousands of diseases and other related subjects. Computer assistance has become extremely essential if doctors are to avoid unwarranted errors which could be life threatening on occasion. There are numerous examples when human errors could have been avoided had there been good software to
stop these. A newspaper cutting about one such incidence is enough to highlight the importance of such software. Spurred by this and other pressing needs of the health sector, Dr. Vij has launched a software company dedicated to the health industry and has developed two landmark software, “PRESCRIPTION PAD” for assisting safe prescription writing, and
"DHANVANTRI HPMS", a complete hospital &
patient care management software for both small and large hospitals.
Wrong medicine harms 1.5 m in US
Kills Thousands Of Patients Every Year, Costs Nation $3.5 Billion In Treatment
Medication errors harm 1.5 million people and kill several thousand each year in the US, costing the nation at least $3.5 billion annually, the Institute of Medicine concluded in a report released on Thursday.

drug errors are so widespread that hospital patients should expect to suffer one every day they remain hospitalised, although error rates vary by hospital and most do not lead to injury, the report concluded. The report, Preventing
Medication Errors, cited the death of Betsy Lehman, a 39-year-old mother of two and a health reporter for The Boston Globe, as a classic fatal drug mix-up. Lehman died in 1993 after a doctor mistakenly gave her four times the appropriate dose of a toxic drug to treat her
breast cancer.
Recommendations to correct these problems include systemic changes like electronic prescribing and tips for patients to carry complete listings of their prescriptions to every doctor’s visit, the report said. The incidence of
medication errors was surprising even to us, said J Lyle Bootman, dean of the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy.
The report is the fourth in a series done by the institute, the nation’s most prestigious medical advisory organisation.
The first report, To Err Is Human, was released in 1999 and caused a sensation when it estimated that medical errors of all sorts led to as many as 98,000 deaths each year — more than was caused by highway accidents and
breast cancer combined. After the first report, health officials and hospital groups pledged reforms, but many of the most important efforts have been slow to take hold.
Drug computer-entry systems, which are supposed to ensure hospital patients get the right drugs at the right dose, are used in just 6% of the nation’s hospitals, said Charles B Inlander, president of the People’s Medical Society, a consumer advocacy group, and an author of the report released Thursday.
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Electronic medical records can help ensure patients do not receive toxic drug combinations. The 1999 report urged widespread adoption of these systems. Thursday’s report called for all prescriptions to be written electronically by 2010. Just 3% of hospitals have electronic patient records and few doctors prescribe drugs electronically. NYT NEWS SERVICE
To realize his dream, Dr. Vij launched a software company
"COMPURX INFOTECH PVT LTD" dedicated to the needs of the health sector. The company’s mission is to popularize the use of computers in the sector by producing useful, innovative and world-class software at affordable costs, and to achieve the highest standards in patient safety, care and management. Inspired by the article & driven by his commitment to help health professionals in delivering safe
COMPURX INFOTECH PVT LTD has developed TWO world class software:
• Prescription-writing software
"PRESCRIPTION PAD" which automatically checks for drug allergies, drug duplications & drug safety for individual diseases like G6PD, PORPHYRIA,
HYPERTENSION etc. While writing a prescription using the software, the software automatically checks for drug safety in the case of
pregnancy, lactation, the elderly and children, as well as for liver insufficiency, renal insufficiency &
pulmonary insufficiency to ensure that the prescription is safe.
• A state-of-the-art HMS,
"DHANVANTRI HPMS", for both small and large multi-specialty hospitals to benefit a larger section of society.
• The company has also launched a website for the general benefit of society at large. Literature related to health care is an infinite sea of information and it’s practically impossible to include every thing on the website, but it continues to be our endeavour to include the most important & useful information.
In a third-world nation with disparities as great as ours, it is imperative to ensure that technology should be made use to eradicate these disparities. It is Dr. Vij’s ultimate vision is to that even lower strata in a society to receive health service without any discrimination. His efforts continue to be directed towards the realization of this goal.