BLUE is associated with the Throat Chakra. Organs related to this chakra include the throat, lungs, and the endocrine gland, which is the thyroid gland. Imbalances in this area can affect the upper digestive tract.
Blue is linked to self-expression, encompassing speech and communication. It represents our ability to effectively communicate our needs and requirements, embodying the spirit of truth and purpose.
Associated Problems
Some associated issues related to the throat chakra include thyroid problems (overactive or underactive), anorexia nervosa (a multi-chakra problem but strongly connected to the throat chakra), asthma, bronchitis, hearing problems, tinnitus (which may also be associated with brow chakra problems), issues with the upper digestive tract, mouth ulcers, sore throats, and tonsillitis.
BLUE Calming, relaxing and healing. Not as sedating as indigo. Also the Color of communication. Can be used in any rooms except those used for physical activity or play.
It is a good color in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good color to counteract hypertension.