Orange Relates to the Sacral Chakra
Orange is associated with the SACRAL chakra located in the lower abdomen. This chakra is connected to organs such as the uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries, and testes. (In the fetus, the testes develop in the lower abdomen, linking them with the energy of the sacral chakra before descending to the scrotum by birth.) The endocrine glands corresponding to this chakra are the ovaries and testes.
On a psycho-spiritual level, the sacral chakra is linked to self-respect. It represents our ability to grant ourselves the freedom to be our true selves and to honor our own boundaries and needs. Simultaneously, it encourages respect for the boundaries of others. Orange is the color of creativity, and we should allow ourselves the space to nurture our creativity for personal growth.
Associated problems
Some of the associated problems relating to the sacral chakra are:-
pre-menstrual syndrome, problems with menstrual flow, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts,
irritable bowel syndrome, Endometriosis, testicular disease, prostatic disease.
ORANGE is the color of joy and wisdom. It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good color for illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the color of joy. It connects us to our emotional self.