This pose massages the spinal nerves and revitalizes the brain by improving the blood supply to these areas; it relaxes the body and mind and at the same time simulates the internal organs. It strengthens the legs and the hamstrings muscles
Stand with legs hip distance apart, arms by the side close to the body. Inhale; raise both the arms u above the head and elongate the spine
Exhale;extend forward from the hips and take the arms around the outside of the legs and wrap them behind the knees and interlock the finger tips. Bring the head towards the knees by bending the elbows slightly, keeping the legs straight, try not to strain
Β« Hold the position for 30 seconds breathing deeplyΒ« Release the posture and raise the body up.
Amila Sulabhasana | Ardha Halasana | Ardha Matsyendrdsana | Ardha Padmasana | Ardha pavanmuktasana | Arohandsana | Bhujangasana | Chakrasana | Dhanurasana | Gomukha-asana | Halasana | Hasta Parshvasana | Hastapaddsana | Katichalana | Katishaktiasana | Makarasana | Mandukasana | Matsyasana | Mayurasana | Naukasana | Navasana | Padahastasana | Padmasana | Pagachalana | parivrtta trikonasana | Parvat Trikonasana | Parvatasana | Paschimottasana | pavan muktasana | Sarvangasana | Setubandh asana | Shalabhasana | Shashankasana | Shavasana | Shirshasana | Siddhasana | Sitting Position for yoga | Skandha katiasana | Sukhasana | Supine Position for yoga | Supta-vajrasana | Surya namaskar | Trikonasana | Uddyiana Bandha | Uttan Tadasana | Uttana padasana | Utthit padmasana | Vajrasana | Viparitakarani mudra | Vrikshasana | Yoga Mudra |