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Cervical Cancer - Risk factors And Prevention
Risk factors:
Risk factor for Cervical Cancer are:
- Having sex at an early age
- Having many sexual partners
- Having many pregnancies
- Using birth control pills for 5 or more years
- Consuming any form of tobacco
Which factors increase the risk of developing cervical cancer?
- Exposure to the sexually transmitted human papilla viruses (HPV)
- Poor genital hygiene
- A weak immune system
- Malnutrition
- Sexual activity at an early age
- Having multiple partners -- this greatly increases exposure to infections. Persistent and frequent infections
make cells prone to cancerous changes.
- Being in a monogamous relationship with a man who has had several sexual encounters raises the possibility that
his partner will contract HPV.
- Smoking
- Being overweight
Cervical cancer vaccine:The first vaccine ever created specifically to prevent cancer is the cervical cancer vaccine.
It is recommended to girls aged 11 to 12 years as it allows a girl's immune system to be activated before she's likely to encounter HPV.
This vaccine is not yet available in India, but is expected by the year end. "Although this vaccine has proved quite
effective in the western countries, we still need to follow up to see for how long the immunity lasts.
Delay sex:Waiting to have sex until you are older can help you avoid HPV.
Reducing the number of partners you have and staying away from others who have had multiple
relationships can also be beneficial.
Use condoms: Condoms when used correctly can lower the HPV infection rate by about 70%. They can't
protect one c
cancers, including cervical cancer. It's true that smoking and HPV infection might hasten cervical dysplasia.
Your best bet is to kick the habit.
Vaccinate against HPV.You might be able to get the HPV vaccine, which protects
women against high-risk types of the virus, if you're under 27. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, was
approved by the FDA to give to young girls as young as 9. When young women receive the vaccination
before they start having sex, it works best.