Yoga Poses for Managing Asthma
Regular practice of these yoga poses for asthma helps in better management of asthma attacks. There have been debates on the relationship between asthma and yoga, but studies show definite health benefits of yoga.
Easy Yoga Pose
When it comes to asthma, simplicity is key. Sit upright on the floor, cross your legs, and hold your knees comfortably. Take deep, easy breaths for 5 minutes.
Shoulder Lifts
Begin by lying flat on your back with your hands stretched above your head. Take a moment to relax, then slowly lift your shoulders forward, curling your head towards your abdomen as you exhale. Inhale as you lift, and exhale as you lower.
Sun Salutation
The yoga sun salutation (Surya namaskara) is a sequence of 12 poses. It begins and ends in a standing pose. The 5th and 6th poses involve standing on all fours with your body parallel to the ground, and your forehead and nose touching the ground. The controlled breathing series during the Sun Salutation prepares your respiratory system to combat asthma. This sequence is also helpful for asthma.
Kapalbhati Breathing Technique
For asthma, pranayama, a highly meditative breathing technique, is essential. Kapalbhati involves rapid, controlled breathing in short sequences, consciously engaging the diaphragm, which separates the abdomen from the chest. This exercise benefits the entire respiratory system.
Anuloma Viloma Breathing Technique
Also known as alternate nostril breathing, this technique involves inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other, with a pause in breath retention between the two. This practice adds a much-needed rhythm to your breathing.