How Does Yoga Help In Preventing Co then inform me ld?
The focus that yoga puts on breathing is what makes it easier to deal with colds. Together with kapalabhati, the anuloma and vilomas as well as other yoga poses are beneficial in addressing the respiratory system, providing both short-term and long-term comfort.
Some Useful Yoga Poses For Cold
If you practice some of them frequently, they can be very beneficial. The following is a list of common yoga poses for cold.
Yoga Shoulder Stand Yoga shoulder stand (sarvanga asana) is next best to Shirshasana (headstand) in yoga. Lie relaxed on back with feet together and hands by the side. Breathe a full cycle and lift your legs together so much as to lift the hips and trunk too. At this time, you can support of both the hands with elbows firmly on the ground. Let the feet face upwards without swinging. Hold here for 10 breaths and take off your hands before returning to normal position. Exhale while lowering. As you gain in practice, you can do this without the hands supporting your trunk.
The BowBow is Dhanur asana. Lie down on abdomen and relax for a few breaths. Lift your legs up, backwards, bending at the knees and hold your ankles with your hands.
Now, while inhaling, lift up head, chest and thighs with knees clearly off the ground. Now you are completely supported on your abdomen only. Hold it for 4-6 breaths Exhale while returning by retracing the sequence in reverse order
Yoga Cat Pose
Just below the shoulders, take a seat on your knees and palms. Keep your back as straight as you can while gazing forward. Bend inward, attempting to curve your spine, and look at your navel. Take a few breaths here and exhale as you work. Return to starting posture while taking a breath. Proceed to the cow stretch by lowering your back and raising your head as high as you can from this position. In a few breaths, return to the starting posture while releasing the air.
Corpse Pose You need to lie down on your back on a carpet with feet and palms comfortably away from the body. Starting from toes, concentrate on each organ of body in order to relax fully. Let your breaths calm down automatically. Relax in this position for 10-15 minutes.
Relaxation PoseRelaxation pose is the same as shavaasana or Corpse pose.
All above yoga poses for cold are shown to work on respiratory organs, better than other therapies when practiced as per norms. Further, all yoga cold remedies depend on strict observation of breathing techniques. Thus, additional practicing of pranayama may help better the cause.