Beauty Tips for Nails
LONGER LASTING POLISH : Favourite nail varnish dried up? Try adding a few drops of nail varnish remover to make it runny again.
NAIL REMOVER : The easiest way to get off fake nails is by putting your hands in warm water with soap then slowly peel them off
BAD HABIT : Habit of biting your nails? Well, to solve this problem, simply paint your nails with thick nail varnish. Eventually you'll get fed up of all the little bits stuck in your mouth. (And the taste isn't so great either)
KEEP NAILS NEAT : Redo your nail varnish everyday. no one likes the chipped nails look.
BASE BEFORE COLOUR : Always make sure you apply a base coat nail varnish before colour. It stops your nails from breaking
USEFUL LEMONS : Lemon juice is great for your hands. It makes them soft, makes the cuticles just stay in place and nails much stronger. If you have squeezed a lemon, rubbing the left over bit onto your hands will make them beautiful!!! Only two downsides: strips them of their natural oils if it is done too often and bleaches them gradually. just don't do it on a regular bases!!!
CLEAN NAILS : Make sure you have clean finger nails,it will make you feel cleaner and look alot better.
BUFF NAILS : If you've got ridges in your nails, use a soft file to buff them gently from side to side. Finish with a moisturiser.
SOFT EQUALS WEAK : Never file nails right after a shower or after they have been in water. They will be too soft and tear very easily.
VITAMIN C-ONDITIONING : Pierce a vitamin e capsule and rub onto your fingernails - it's super conditioning!