Overweight can be the fore-runner of diabetes
You are doubtlessly aware that it is up tc you to do something about the risk factol overweight and the lack of physical exercise.
Even though the first symptoms of diabetes appear harmless, it is nevertheless of decisive importance for your future that you go to the doctor as early as possible and start treatment immediately.
For going to the doctor, the rule holds the earlier-the better
The objective of the treatment by your doctor is not only to bring you a feeling of well being and good performance now, but also to prevent, above all, the feared" late complications" of diabetes. Without therapy, the eyes, kidneys, heart and blood vessels of the diabetic are threatened. By a correct way of life you can contribute much to the avoidance of these late complications.
Co-operate and avoid complications
It won't work without diet
The therapy of the diabetic is very comprehensive:
- diet
- insulin or tablets
- physical exercise
- instruction of the diabetic
- the correct way of life.
Every kilogram too much shortens our life, makes the diabetes worse and promotes many other diseases.
Learn to live on low-fat diet
Fats include butter, margarine, oil, lard, bacc;m and cream, but the hidden fats (in meat, sausage, cheese, milk and nuts) must also be taken into account without fail. Your doctor will tell you how much fat
you may take per day. This depends on your body weight and your occupation; age also plays a role. If you ought to lOSE weight, it will only be 60 g of fat per day. Slim diabetics receive 75 g, or in exceptional cases even more.
The doctor stipulates the quantity of fat per day
The second major group in our food is protein. We find it in meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs. But small quantities of protein are also found in food of plant origin, such as bread, potatoes and vegetables. You may be generous with proteins provided that you take lean products. There are numerous proteinยญcontaining foods which unfortunately havf a large quantity of fat "in tow". Therefore, make your selection carefully.
Only use lean protein products
You must be particularly well informed or carbohydrates. The purest carbohydrate sugar. Sugar should not be taken except in cases where you need to produce a rapid rise in the b:ood sugar level, i.e. to reverse hypoglycaemia.
All cereal products, e.g. bread and rice, belong to the same group of carbohydrates as potatoes. The doctor will tell you how much of these you may eat daily.
Food and drink containing sugar
should only be taken during a hypoglycaemic episode
You can make your diet very tasty by the use of spices. However, you should be sparing in the use of salt if you have high blood pressure.
Food low in salt if you have high blood pressure.