Description and Composition
Bay berry is an aromatic tree growing upto 10 metres high. The leaves of the tree are 7.5 cms long, pale to rust coloured and alternate. The tree has hairy stalks with minute flowers growing solitary or on a common drooping stalk. It has wrinkled seeds.
The herb contains tannins, triterpenes (including myricadiol), flavonoid glycosides, resin and gum.
Healing Power and Curative Properties
The bark of the tree is aromatic, stimulant, tonic and resolvent. It is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding and in expelling wind from the
stomach. It is also an antiseptic. Myricitrin in bay berry is bactericidal and encourages the flow of bile. Another constituent of the herb, myricadiol is reported to cause retention of salt and excretion of potassium.
Fevers and Colds
Bay berry is a valuable remedy in fevers and colds. A hot decoction of the herb can be taken in the treatment of
fevers, catarrh of the mucous membranes, affections of the chest and typhoid. The powdered bark can be used as a snuff for congested nasal passages, which are relieved by sneezing. The decoction also makes a good gargle for throat infections.
Intestinal Disorders
Bay berry is also used to treat inflammation and infection of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Healing Power and Curative Properties
Women's Diseases
The herb taken internally can be used to treat post-partum haemorrhage. It can also be used as a douche for excessive
menstrual bleeding and leucorrhoea, or white discharge.
Respiratory Disorders
Bay berry is highly beneficial in treating respiratory disorders like
asthma and
chronic bronchitis. Its bark may be taken either in a decoction or powdered form, as in the case of
fevers and colds.
Teeth Disorders
A paste of the bark made with vinegar can be used for strengthening gums and relieving toothache.
Wounds and Ulcers
A compress of the herb can be used for dressing wounds and
ulcers. The powder of its bark can be dusted over putrid sores.
Other Diseases
Bay berry is useful in several other diseases like
diarrhoea, dysentery and chronic
gonorrhoea. A decoction of the herb can be taken with cinnamon in chronic cough and piles.