Indigestion after rich spicy and fatty food. Taste of food remains a long time. Thirstlessness.
Full of gas in abdomen, distended Can lie comfortably on abdomen only. Better by rubbing the part. Loose stool, offensive, profuse painless.
Dry feeling with complete stoppage of nose or profuse yellow discharge from nose after exposure to cold damp weather.
Persistent nausea and vomiting due to Indigestion, with intolerable pain in abdomen worse around navel.
Sour taste and nausea in the morning, after eating and pain the stomach after eating. Nausea and vomiting with much eructation of gas. Gastric problems due to alcohol, irregular meal and sedentary habits.
Spasmodic sneezing with running nose, severe pain in front of head. Redness of eyes & watering; excessive chill and no thirst.