Dr. Anil Vij is a practicing physician with 35 yrs. of experience in the field of medicine. He is a well known clinician with a practice based in Delhi. It was as a physician that he realized his own limitations when dealing with the enormous volume of medical literature on prescribing treatment to patients. This led him to develop software that could act as a clinician’s true companion, aiding the clinician in writing a safe, fool-proof and first-rate prescription. Eight years of hard work saw his long cherished dream come to fruition in the form of
"PRESCRIPTION PAD" , a state-of-the-art prescription writing software which contains everything a clinician might need in order to give his/her patients the very best of health-care.
In Dr. Vij’s words, “Prescription writing is not merely putting down a few drug names on a piece of paper. It is an art mastered only after years of experience and hard work backed by sound knowledge of the basic subject.” World over, there is stress on evidence-based medicine, best described as the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current evidence in decision-making.
Professional organizations & government agencies, as part of their endeavour to aid physicians & other caregivers, are developing formal clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines can provide a useful framework for managing patients with particular diagnosis or symptoms. The challenge for physicians is to intelligently integrate into clinical practice the useful recommendations, and not to accept them blindly or allow oneself to be inappropriately constrained by them.
Inspired by the success of the prescription writing software, Dr. Vij has now embarked upon other projects to help society and health care providers with the following objectives in mind: