Any adult or child who develops any of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection needs to be evaluated by a medical professional, preferably within 24 hours. Most medical offices can test urine for infection by using a quick urine "dipstick" test.
If you have symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection and any of the following applies to you, you may have a urinary tract infection that involves the kidneys . Go to a hospital emergency department right away.
Infants, children, and elderly people with any of the signs and symptoms should go to an emergency department for evaluation.
Because the symptoms of a urinary tract infection mimic those of other conditions, you should see your health care provider if you think you have a urinary tract infection. A urine test is needed to confirm that you have an infection. Self-care is not recommended.
You can help reduce the discomfort by taking the following steps:
Women and girls should wipe from front to back (not back to front) after going to the bathroom. This helps prevent bacteria from the anus entering the urethra.