When to Seek Medical Care
If eczema is worsening (spreading, increasing redness, painful, hot) despite multiple daily applications of steroid cream over several days, call your health care provider.
If you are so uncomfortable that your sleep, work, or other daily activities are disrupted, you need a more effective treatment and should see your health care provider.
Generally, eczema is not an emergency and should not be handled in a hospital emergency department. Exceptions include the following:
- When the skin becomes so irritated that it breaks down and becomes infected; if the rash has become red, hot, and painful; if red streaks are coming from the rash; or if you have a fever, an emergency department visit may be necessary if you cannot see your regular health care provider within 24 hours.
- Any person with a weakened immune system or certain medical conditions (such as diabetes, on chemotherapy, alcoholism, AIDS, older than 70 years) and symptoms of infection should go immediately to a hospital emergency department.