Back Pain
Eighty percent or further of the people who visit a chiropractor, do so because of reverse pain.
Back pain can arise from a variety of conditions. The chief among them are
Pinched Nerves
Slipped Discs
Ruptured Discs
Muscle Pain
A chiropractor can pinpoint the cause of the reverse pain. He or she can make the necessary spinal adaptations to relieve the problem. In some cases, a chiropractor will recommend that you seek medical attention for your situation.
The 1994 Federal Agency for Health Policy and Research( AHCPR) guidelines for low- reverse pain concluded that spinal manipulation, chiropractic's primary treatment fashion, is one of only three treatments whose effectiveness is substantiated by rigorous exploration.
According to a 1992 RANDCorp. study, cases see a chiropractor primarily for low reverse pain and neck pain. Because reverse pain is so pervasive in our society, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal pointing out that back pain does not go down that fluently verified what chiropractors have always known. Only 25 percent of low reverse pain victims had completely recovered 12 months after their first visit to a general guru, the study said. This low number is in conflict with the generally- held notion that low reverse pain occurrences go down by themselves after a month. Croakers of chiropractic have long understood the cyclic nature of low reverse pain.
In 1999, Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Kansas in August 1999, presented a study aimed at determining the cost and effectiveness of treating back pain with chiropractic compared with other ways. The results showed that 38 percent of the cases chose to seek chiropractic care rather than medical care. The results showed that chiropractic was further cost-effective than anesthesiology; neurosurgery; neurology; registered physical remedy; orthopedic reconstructive surgery; physical drug and recuperation; and rheumatology. The study also showed that utmost of the chiropractic charges 89, were related directly to patient care, while only 45 percent of the medical costs were related to treatment of the condition with remainder of the costs being for individual procedures. The study had barred any costs for hospitalization, surgery, or any freights paid to orthopedists or neurosurgeons for costs associated with surgery. Without these fresh costs being included in the study, the costs related to medical care were reported much lower than they actually were, and the savings from chiropractic care was actually much larger.
Chiropractors points out this study as vindication of their long-held view, "Patients suffering from back problems are in much better, and cost effective hands with chiropractic care."