Trigeminal Neuralgia
As soon as you start experiencing these pains, call your physician.
- In order to assist stop more serious issues from developing, it is imperative that you see a physician experienced in treating individuals with trigeminal neuralgia as soon as possible.
- Collaborating with your physician is especially crucial because trigeminal neuralgia is nearly always manageable with the right medication regimen.
In the following cases, get emergency care right away or visit a hospital's Emergency Department:
When you need pain relief right away and your
medication isn't controlling the ache
- When your discomfort keeps you from eating or drinking, you run the danger of becoming malnourished or dehydrated
- When you suffer from severe drug side effects including excessive sleepiness, sedation, nausea, or vomiting
- When a medical professional recommends that you get evaluated and treated for any of these issues
Self-Care at Home
Because the pain stems from nerves deep inside your skull, no home remedy is effective.
Until a treatment is attempted, doctors are unable to predict who will get trigeminal neuralgia, prevent it, or decide who would respond to a given course of action.
Clearly, though, the overwhelming majority responds to at least one of the treatments and can obtain excellent benefit from it.
More and more people find substantial relief from invasive treatment, either anesthetic injections or decompressive therapy. It is very rare that someone with trigeminal neuralgia does not obtain long-standing relief.