Notify your health care provider if you experience any of the following symptoms:
Seek medical care immediately if you experience the following:
Self-Care at Home
You can strengthen your pelvic muscles by performing Keel exercises. You do these by tightening your pelvic muscles, as if trying to stop the flow of urine. This exercise strengthens the pelvic diaphragm and provides some support. Have your gynecologist instruct you on the proper ways to isolate and exercise the muscles.
Other Therapy
If you do not want surgery or are a poor candidate for surgery, you may decide to wear a supportive device, called a peccary, in your vaginal canal to support the falling uterus. You can use this temporarily or permanently. They come in various shapes and sizes and must be fitted to you. If your prolapsed is severe, a peccary may not work. Also, peccaries can be irritating inside your vagina and may cause a foul-smelling discharge.
Follow-up depends on how your condition was treated.
Peccaries can be effective temporarily or permanently if they are checked and cleaned as often as necessary. Surgery can support a prolapsed uterus or remove it.