Dangerous, life-threatening illness may start only with dizziness. Call a doctor if any of the following occur:
Call an ambulance unless you are certain of the cause of the dizziness, or unless the feeling goes away quickly.
Dizziness may be a symptom of something dangerous and should always be discussed with a doctor.
At home, it is recommended for the patient to do the following:
Most causes of dizziness are harmless, and the problem goes away on its own. Sometimes dizziness will be the only symptom of serious disease, the course of which may be life-threatening or easily treatable. Some dizziness may be attributed to aging blood vessels or nerves. The patient may need the services of a specialist, or very detailed specialized testing to uncover the cause and develop a treatment plan for the patient's dizziness. Timely and careful evaluation of dizziness offers the best outcome, whatever the cause.