If you experience severe chest pain lasting several minutes or if it radiates to your neck, shoulder, arm, or jaw, seek immediate care at a hospital emergency department. Do not drive yourself; call for emergency transport.
Chest pain can mimic a heart attack or other serious conditions, so it's crucial to seek medical attention as quickly as possible.
In the case of a heart attack, time is of the essence. Delaying evaluation and treatment can result in more heart muscle damage.
Prompt evaluation offers the best chance for intervention to reduce the risk of death or severe illness, positively impacting your long-term quality of life.
If It's Not a Life-Threatening Event
You won't know the cause of your chest pain until medical professionals at the hospital assess it. Seek peace of mind.
If your chest pain isn't life-threatening, don't feel embarrassed; you're making the right choice by going to the nearest hospital emergency department.
All chest pain, regardless of its cause, requires evaluation by a medical professional. Be assured that seeking emergency care for chest pain is the correct decision.
While waiting for an ambulance, have the patient chew two baby aspirin or half of a regular aspirin (at least 160 mg). Chewing speeds up the medicine's effects.
Chewing an aspirin during a heart attack may reduce the risk of death and its severity.
If the patient has angina and nitroglycerin tablets, place one under the tongue. Repeat every five minutes if needed. After three tablets with no relief, call the nearest emergency department.
If chest pain is from acid reflux (GERD) and antacids help, still seek evaluation at a hospital emergency department.
Heart Attack Prevention
Preventing a heart attack and angina involves a "heart-healthy" lifestyle, as recommended by the American Heart Association. Reducing risk factors significantly reduces your risk:
- Avoid smoking.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Consume nutritious, low-fat foods in moderation.
- If you drink, do so in moderation.
- Engage in at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity or exercise.
- Manage high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
- If you have diabetes, control your blood sugar daily.