Cerebral Palsy
If your child was born prematurely, had low birth weight, or experienced complications during pregnancy, labor, or delivery, careful monitoring for signs of CP is essential. Visit your child’s healthcare provider if you notice any of the following:
- Your child experiences seizures.
- Your child's movements appear jerky, abrupt, uncoordinated, or slow and writhing.
- Your child's muscles seem unusually tense or limp and “floppy.”
- Your child does not blink in response to loud noises by age 1 month.
- Your child does not turn his or her head toward a sound by age 4 months.
- Your child does not reach out for a toy by age 4 months.
- Your child does not sit up unsupported by age 7 months.
- Your child does not say words by age 12 months.
- Your child develops left- or right-handedness before age 12 months.
- Your child has strabismus (one eye turned inward or outward).
- Your child does not walk or walks with a stiff or abnormal gait, such as toe-walking.
These are just a few examples of problems that may indicate CP. Discuss any concerns regarding your child’s muscle control or movements with their healthcare provider.
Other Therapy
Many children with cerebral palsy experience emotional and behavioral challenges. They can benefit from sessions with a psychologist or counselor.
Personal computers and related technologies offer valuable opportunities for communication, social interaction, education, entertainment, and employment for people with cerebral palsy.
The goal of ongoing care for individuals with CP is to help them achieve their full physical, mental, and emotional potential. Inclusion in mainstream society and culture is encouraged. Children with CP need regular sessions with physical, occupational, and speech/language therapists, as well as frequent check-ups with their medical and surgical teams. The frequency of visits depends on the severity of the child’s condition and their response to treatment. Multidisciplinary CP clinics facilitate comprehensive care with minimal inconvenience.
While the cause of cerebral palsy is often unknown, some factors leading to it can be prevented, including premature birth, low birth weight, infections,
and head injuries. Seek early and appropriate prenatal care to reduce risks. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs during pregnancy to minimize
the chances of premature delivery. Rubella (measles) during pregnancy can cause cerebral palsy; getting tested for rubella immunity before pregnancy allows
for immunization, protecting both you and your baby. Testing for Rh factor is crucial, as Rh incompatibility can lead to brain damage if untreated. Routine
vaccinations prevent infections like meningitis, which can cause cerebral palsy. Ensure your child is properly restrained in a car seat and wears a helmet when riding a bicycle.